Defence Mechanisms

للباحثين عن أعماق النفس.

دوافعنا السلوكية الداخلية تنتج عن حيل دفاعية

"I was really blessed to begin my journey of awareness with MG through this course 🙏

The amount of valuable spiritual and scientific knowledge I gained is astounding.

His teachings have entirely transformed my way of thinking and living. His willingness to share skills, knowledge, and expertise is incompareable - a true coach and mentor"

- Ingy Nour Bakr

"it's life changing experience , eye opener

recreation to my life

I am very much grateful for this course and for Mohamed El Ghandour for his authenticity , dedication , knowledge and compassion

really thank you ❤️

"#علم_ ينتفع_به

- Mona Hassan

"Une personne merveilleuse et compétent bonne continuation et plus de succès 😊❤"

- Yasmine

"I would not have gotten through this current situation and times that is happening on the world; without the skills and the principles I have learned with Coach Mohamed Mohamed S. ElGhandour . I took 2 courses: Pace & Lead and Know yourself. Also I took one-on-one sessions to complement the courses. So grateful. Love & Peace✌️ "

- Abeer Maadawy

"I have personally been around with different kinds of healing and therapy between psychologists, psychiatrists, shamans, gurus and energy healers in different countries.

MG’s knowledge, experience and style made my experience very comfortable and more importantly super effective.

Been so far, in two sessions and in each, we were able to totally nail the sole purpose of having the session in the first place.

Moreover, one doesn’t just leave with just conclusions, but also a plan on what needs to be done moving forward.

I was recommended MG from different friends more than 1.5 years ago. And I ONLY sought his help when I had a massive urgent emergency, and indeed he made time the next day and as mentioned nailed it on the head.

Good luck to everyone and god bless"

- Marwan Ziad

"Yes i was really impressed by how professional he is, easy to understand him & make u reach the target in the most simple & smooth way"

- Dina Omar Khaled

What is What?


When do we resort to those mechanisms?



للباحثين عن أعماق النفس.

دوافعنا السلوكية الداخلية تنتج عن حيل دفاعية:

لكل منا طريقتة في التعامل مع متغيرات الحياة.. فنجد ان شخصين في نفس الموقف كل منهم يسلك سلوك مختلف مغاير للآخر.

فما هي الدوافع الخفية وراء سلوكياتنا.. و ماهي الأجزاء المسئولة بداخلنا عن اتخاذ القرار.. هل كان الدافع نابعاً من مركز العقل أم مركز العاطفة أم المركز الغرائزي.. و ما الفرق بين كلٍ منهم .. وايِّن من هاذين المركزين الأخيرين يتلاعب بأفكارنا و ما هي دوافعه.

هل كوني إنسان مجتهد في دراستي.. جاء نتيجة حبي في تلقى العلم أم انه رغبةً منِّي في الحصول على الإشباع العاطفي من إطراء يمنحني إياه والديَّ.
سنتعلم كيف طور ذلك الطفل حِيَلُه الدفاعية (defence mechanism) و التي حفذته بشكل لا واعي للحصول علي احتياجاتة في الحياة.

و دوري ان اسلط المصباح على الكثير من خبايا أنفسنا لأنه لحظة خروجها إلى السطح او رؤية الضوء تنتهي تلقائيا (بمجرد معرفتك بها)

لكل زوج أو زوجة، أب أو أم يبحرون في رحلة وعي بأنفسهم و بأبنائهم، لكل قائد لدية رغبة حقيقية في إدارة فريقه بوعي بعد معرفته الدوافع الحقيقية وراء ما يفعلونه.

إلى كل كوتش مهتم برفع وعيه بعملاءه ليقوم بإدارة جلساتة بطريقة افضل.


• The types of defense mechanisms the humans use.
• The 3 levels of childhood/ human development and what mechanisms are used in each stage of life.
• How they remain unconscious; from infancy to adulthood.
• Some are useful for sometimes.
• Hurtful to the soul in other times.
• You will identify some of your behaviours coming from some of those mechanisms.
• You may want to change the way you behave now that you know where they are coming from.
• You learn to choose them with awareness, and use them when they serve you, and your purpose.

Attend if you are:

- Leaders & Managers who lead teams
- Working on your relationships
- Coaching
- Parenting
- Inner Worker
- Social worker
- Therapist

Mr. Mohamed S. ElGhandour

Integral Consciousness Development Coach

  • Integral Consciousness Development Coach
  • Certified Coach Master Trainer, ICI
  • Certified NLP Practitioner, INLPTA, IATC, IN
  • Dale Carnegie People Performance Coach
  • Enneagram Certified teacher SCL, USA
  • BioGeometry Practitioner, Egypt
  • Reiki Practitioner HRA
  • Family Systemic Coaching. The Center for Systemic Constellations, UK
  • Integral life and consciousness school. Ken Wilber
  • School of Awakening. Eckhart Tolle

مدة الدورة يوم واحد

- السبت 14/10 من الساعة 5 مساءً - 10 مساءً


$ 75

للمقيمين داخل مصر 2,310LE


Client + New Friend

$ 110

للمقيمين داخل مصر 3,388LE

Early Bird

$ 50

للمقيمين داخل مصر 1,540LE

Instead of 75$

Ends by 4th Oct.

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