Internal Motives
للباحثين عن أعماق النفس.
دوافعنا السلوكية الداخلية:
لكل منا طريقتة في التعامل مع متغيرات الحياة.. فنجد ان شخصين في نفس الموقف كل منهم يسلك سلوك مختلف مغاير للآخر.
- What is driving my behaviour?
- How did I Develop them?
- How & Why they control me?
- How do they work, what do they serve.? Why?
- How do they develop?
- How did we inherit some Notions from our ancestors?
- How do those centres function along the human psychological development.
- What do the inner-child need in his early years, and how you, as a child developed your mechanisms around those needs.
- How they can be considered "Internal Drives" that motivate us in a total unconscious way?
- How knowing all that can help our development and self awareness in the process of our awakening.
- How can - this view point - replace what is called "the Instinctual biases" or the "sub-types" in Enneagram work.
Attend If you are:
- Leaders & Managers who lead teams
- Working on your relationships
- Coaching
- Parenting
- Inner Worker
- Therapist
Integral Consciousness Development Coach
- الاحد 7/21 من الساعة 6 مساءً - 10 مساءً
- الثلاثاء 7/23 من الساعة 6 مساءً - 10 مساءً
- الاربعاء 7/24 من الساعة 6 مساءً - 10 مساءً