فن القبول

فن السماح بالرحيل، الأفكار، المشاعر، الألم، الخ...

و الإسلام لأمر الله.

لماذا نتألم طويلاً؟

لماذا نعاني؟

هنتعلم ايه في ورشة العمل دي ؟!

هذه الدورة من أجل التعرف و ممارسة مهارة من اعمق المهارات الإنسانية، للتخلص و التخلى و السماح برحيل اسباب معاناتنا

لماذا نكبت المشاعر، فنعانى، أو تظهر علينا الأعراض فى صورة امراض جسدية

لماذا لا يتركنا الألم؟

صور من ورش العمل السابقة ...

مين ممكن يكون محتاج الدورة دي ؟!!

- لمن بالذنب ويلوم نفسه كثيرا.

- لمن يحاول ارضاء الاخرين ويتجنب اغضابهم.

- لمن يجد نفسه عالقا في بعض امور الحياه.

- لمن لديهم تعلق نمطي متكرر باشخاص باماكن بافكار بمعتقدات بمشاعر بآلآم الخ..

- لمن يجد نفسه كثير الغضب او على اشياء صغيره.

- لمن يطلب كثيراً من الاخرين تلبيه احتياجاته، بلا جدوى.

- لمن يجد ان طاقته مستنزفه ودائما يشعر بانه ليس لديه طاقه لفعل الاشياء.

- لمن يشعر بانه تائها في هذه الحياه.

- لمن تختلط عليه مشاعره احيانا، تكون مختلفه، وثقيلة عليه في نفس الوقت.

- لمن يخاف ان يحلم او يامل في اي شيء خوفا من الاحباط.

- واشياء اخرى كثيره على هذا النمط.

هذه الدوره لك..

شوفوا اللي حضروا الدورة قالوا ايه ...

This course helped me to conserve my energy, stop wasting it on things or people that suck it with no gains to me,

I learned the tool, and the levels of consciousness, thats helped me to know my thoughts and feelings in which level and how to let it go

My behavior have changed immediately and continues as i let go what i discover, my awareness became activated and be able to understand my self more and whats drive me internally, and i be been able to do things effortlessly and with much less energy.

Coach Ghandour was able to teach us this tool and put us on the road to deeply understand our selves and not just this, in the last session, he helped us to let go some of our fears through a guided letting go one2one session

Zoom is effective as well and u can feel the energy of the office even if you are away, i attended one in the office and one via zoom, and both were really effective.. I also learned from other people during thier letting go experience

Office attendance make you observe more from coach Ghandour, and also if you have some questions u can ask in breaks, also its very cozy and in a very nice spot specially the nile view

I badly need it within the coming hour ..

- Mohamed Ashry

I learned the benefit of letting go on my physical, behavior within myself and all people around me

I concentrated with myself more, as I started to let go on the emotion level not the logical level, l started to feel the letting go benefits , l am living peacefully with myself and others

I started to know the difference between the real letting go and what l thought it’s a letting go, l am more aware with myself and what were the self mechanisms l used to use with myself

He was helping so much and was trying hard to make everyone in the course to understand and was considering everyones way and point of view and awareness, he wasn’t pushy at all, understanding and kind.

I felt that they were attending with us and their was no big difference between our attendance and them

It was fruitful, friendly , l loved the exercise he did with us of letting go with our issues, so helpful

- Layal Afifi

I cant thank u enough for the letting go workshop...im loving the new me and shocked at the same time questioning myself what has happened ?? How did i become such a person in specific situations ( in a good way ofcourse) ...thank u is not enough really !!! U r a blessing from God...looking forward to doing more workshops with u and يكون عندي وعي اكتر💓💓💓

- Randa ElSarrag

Mr. Mohamed S. ElGhandour

Integral Consciousness Development Coach

  • Integral Consciousness Development Coach
  • Certified Coach Master Trainer, ICI
  • Certified NLP Practitioner, INLPTA, IATC, IN
  • Dale Carnegie People Performance Coach
  • Enneagram Certified teacher SCL, USA
  • BioGeometry Practitioner, Egypt
  • Reiki Practitioner HRA
  • Family Systemic Coaching. The Center for Systemic Constellations, UK
  • Integral life and consciousness school. Ken Wilber
  • School of Awakening. Eckhart Tolle

مدة الدورة 3 أيام

- الثلاثاء 6/25 من الساعة 5 مساءً - 10 مساءً

- الاربعاء 6/26 من الساعة 5 مساءً - 10 مساءً

- الخميس 6/27 من الساعة 5 مساءً - 10 مساءً

Client Rate

$ 190

للمقيمين داخل مصر 8,930LE


Client + New Friend

$ 160


Instead of 250$

للمقيمين داخل مصر 7,499LE

Early Bird

$ 150

للمقيمين داخل مصر 6,999LE

Instead of 250$

Ends on June 13th.

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