Lighting my Shadows

الجوانب إلى خايفين منها، ما بنحبهاش فينا، و اكيد بتحكم عليها فى الناس.

شوف اللي حضروا قالوا ايه ...

“Lightning the Shadows is one of the powerful courses I have attended these couple of years. Understanding the difference between polarity and duality and their impact on finding one’s authentic self is a life-changing experience. “ Thank you MG for sharing your wisdom with us.

- Abeer Aboukoufeh (Saudi Arabia/Syria/Egypt)

انا بجد مش عارفة اقولك ايه يا كوتش غندور ، بجد ده اكيد الكورس ده ال spécialité بتاعة حضرتك ، انا استمتعت لاقصي حد..

- Hania Mahgoub (Egypt)

شكرا يا كوتش على طاقة المحاضرات الجميلة دى و خلتني اكتشف حاجة جديده على نفسى..

- Ahmed ElNahawy (Egypt)

Ghandour, every step with you in our journey makes a shift in my life, thank you and thanks to God for knowing you, God bless you

Actually, this is what l feel , تنوير ، علم ، راحة ، رضى والرحلة لسة مكملة طول ما انا عايشة

وربنا يديك دايما على قد نيتك واكتر.

- Layal Afifi (Egypt)


الجوانب إلى خايفين منها، ما بنحبهاش فينا، و اكيد بتحكم عليها فى الناس.

حنتعرف أكثر عليها، و على طبيعتها. و جت لنا منين؟
و ازاى محتاجين نعرفها علشان نتحرر من عبودية الخوف منها..

What drives your EGOS

What drives your VALUES

What drives your INTENTIONS

What is the Shadow??

Together we will explore this hidden area and find out how to shed light on it to fully accept ourselves.

Once we accept the shadow part, we conquer a lot of our unconscious (unnecessary) fears and become more authentic and real.

The shadow is the “dark side” of our personality because it consists chiefly of primitive, negative notions of human emotions and impulses like shame, humiliation, rage, envy, greed, selfishness, desire, and the striving for the contrary. (However, we also cut ourselves off from many of our best qualities.

All we deny in ourselves—whatever we perceive as inferior, evil, or unacceptable—becomes part of the shadow...

The personal shadow is the disowned part of the self. This shadow self represents the parts of us we no longer claim to be our own, including inherent positive qualities.

These unexamined or disowned parts of our personality don’t go anywhere. Although we deny them in our attempt to cast them out, we don’t get rid of them. We repress them; they are part of our unconscious.

We project them onto the world.

Think of the unconscious as everything we are not conscious of at all. Yet it is living inside us.

We can’t eliminate the shadow. It stays with us as our dark brother or sister. Trouble arises when we fail to see it. For then, to be sure, it is standing right behind us.

Let's turn the light ON...

كورس نور الظل

Mr. Mohamed S. ElGhandour

Integral Consciousness Development Coach

  • Integral Consciousness Development Coach
  • Certified Coach Master Trainer, ICI
  • Certified NLP Practitioner, INLPTA, IATC, IN
  • Dale Carnegie People Performance Coach
  • Enneagram Certified teacher SCL, USA
  • BioGeometry Practitioner, Egypt
  • Reiki Practitioner HRA
  • Family Systemic Coaching. The Center for Systemic Constellations, UK
  • Integral life and consciousness school. Ken Wilber
  • School of Awakening. Eckhart Tolle

مدة الدورة

- السبت 13 ابريل من الساعة 5 مساءً - 10 مساءً

- الاحد 14 ابريل من الساعة 5 مساءً - 10 مساءً

- الاثنين 15 ابريل من الساعة 5 مساءً - 10 مساءً


$ 200

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Client + New Friend

$ 300

Instead of 400$

للمقيمين داخل مصر 9,240LE

Early Bird

$ 140

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Ends on 3rd April.

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